Look the world is talking

extraordinary talent and level of intellect.
Splashing Sunlight

“The Little Muse Who Splashed Sunlight While Passing By..”
Carelessly Balanced

Shorya Mahanot is only five-year-old but with his careless splashes of colour and strokes he has made many jaw-dropping paintings.
Amusing and Amazing

His abstract expressionist painting… even amazed the great Indian cartoonist R K Laxman who accepted Mahanot as his disciple.
At Who’s Who’s Place

…have got the same stage where US President Barrack Obama had delivered his speech during his visit to India.
Child Picasso!

India’s ‘Child Picasso’ puts on his goggles and takes aim at the canvas
The Little Champ

The little champ who has earned the title of ‘India’s Young Picasso’ by The Guardian, and has had his work recognized and blessed by none other than the Legendary Cartoonist RK Laxman!
Finding his own Mozo

he gravitated towards abstract works, very much like Jackson Pollock, who incidentally happens to be this young prodigy’s role model.
Beyond his age

Shorya, who studies in std I in MP, began painting at the age of three and is one of the world’s youngest abstract artists. Hitherto, Shorya has created 120 works of art, which have been appreciated by art collectors, academicians and professional artists from across a spectrum.
Common Man, Uncommon Child

special felicitation ceremony organised at the cartoonist’s Pune residence on Tuesday, where Laxman not only felicitated Shorya, but also gifted him an autographed painting brush.
World’s Youngest Abstract Artist

One of the world’s youngest abstractionist, with several solo exhibitions under his belt, he has participated at the Artexpo in New York and Microsoft’s Future Decoded in Mumbai, selling paintings worth $60,000 in all.
Balancing Art & Life

He has been painting since he was three. Even at that age,he could differentiate between primary,secondary colours and could balance both soft and strong shades with ease.
Unique, Untainted

A unique, untainted perspective.
Child Picasso

Known as India’s ‘Child Picasso’, Shorya Mahanot is the youngest abstract artist from India.
A Bohemian Orchestra Conductor

Mahanot’s painting is like a bohemian orchestra playing under his command.
Blissfully Unaware

Shorya is blissfully unaware of the significance of his brushstrokes. He does not understand what is so special about the paintings that he creates as a matter of routine. He is ignorant about the impact of his paintings on others. I feel this innocence is the secret ingredient that makes his paintings special.
Finding his worth

The painting of this 10 year are sold at the price of 45,000 dollars and has been placed alongside the legendary artists like Anthony Quinn, Burt Young, John Lennon etc.
Young at Art

…Mahanot didn’t let his young age prevent him from expressing himself in the brightest of colors…”
Young and Worthy

Many doubt Shorya’s talent because he is so young, But when they see him work, they know his worth.”
Seasoned Artist!

In my opinion as a seasoned artist, art college-level teacher in the 70s and early 2000s, owner and curator of Holtzman Gallery, Shorya has well surpassed Pollack’s level of art at an amazingly young age. He is always experimenting with technique, color, design, and size. He surely is filled with many old souls in order to create what he does.
Youngest Abstract Artist Around

Shorya from Neemach (M.P),is one of the youngest abstract artists in the world.
Maverick & Innocent

When asked about Pollock in an interview, Shorya replied, “He also makes paintings like me.”

“When he showcased some of his Art along-side some well know artists like Yaacov Agam and Burt Young. The Artist community was overwhelmed by this young talent…”
Aces up his sleeves

compared to the ace artist and painter Picasso.
Calculated, Balanced

Like his master Pollock, he spreads his canvas on the floor and embarks on creating with calculated strokes in various layers while weighing the color composition and the balance between his brushstrokes, dripping and pouring.
Best of…

displayed his works at the Annual Artexpo, New York.
Demonstrating before Legends

Eminent cartoonist RK Laxman invited Mahanot to hold a live demonstration at his home in Pune. Impressed, he exhibited some of the child’s paintings there.

a group of grown-ups watched in awe as four-year-old ‘abstract artist’ Shorya Mahanot displayed his creativity on canvas.
Potential to be great

This child prodigy has everything in him to be one the greatest artist from India and to take his position among the likes of Pollock and other eminent abstractionists.

“Being compared to the likes of Picasso and Pollock at the tender age of four, Shorya Mahanot from Madhya Pradesh is the youngest abstract artist in Asia.”
Incredibly Young

“…Of course, five is incredibly young, but if what Shorya is doing is good, it should be shown to the people.”
Child Prodigy

Unlike Pollock, however, Mahanot is six years old. That’s right, we have another child prodigy on our hands.

It is his innocent confidence that makes him graceful. This effortlessness combined with his natural talents give him his signature style.

“…His beautiful abstract work has been compared to Jackson Pollock’s and has earned him international acclaim.”
Competition to Contemporaries

Contemporary abstract artists watch out! Shorya Mahanot is creating works that are easily mistakable for a Jackson Pollock….and he is only 6!
Prolific Abstractionist

Mahanot has created 200 paintings so far, inspired mainly by nature. Nationally, his works have been shown at galleries in Udaipur in Rajasthan, where three of his paintings were sold for Rs 45,000 each, and in Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh.
Global Appreciation

His view is compared in similarity with Sir John Pollock which places him on this world arena of higher appreciation.
An International Star

The young boy’s international debut came in 2013. Shorya was six. At New York City’s Artexpo, several of his paintings were selected as ‘Best of Art Expo’.
Genius at work

this is genius at work.

24 of Shorya’s paintings were recently showcased at a city hotel. And those who watched him paint were left speechless. To get him to paint before a crowd, his dad Aditya Singh Mahanot had to lure him with a toy car.
Reaching out to Art Galleries

Now seven years old, the child has his own website showcasing his work, which is also displayed in art galleries.

the Indian Government exiled MF Hussain, art stays on. This five year old prodigy, Shorya Mahanot proves to the nation that art is a form of expression which cannot be stopped.
An Expressive Force

Imagine when a kid is being compared to the ace artist and painter Picasso, won’t it make you want to look at his artwork? Shorya Mahanot a 7- year-old creates abstract expressionist paintings that group the expressive forces of nature with color and life. His inspirations were his sisters who worked more with figurative paintings, but he chose a different path and created magic on the canvas with his abstract art.
A Master of Abstract

Eleven-year-old Shorya Mahanot, was unsure what all the ensuing fuss was about the first time he picked up a paintbrush and created brush strokes like an abstract master. At the time, he was three years old.
Unlearned Genius

“From bold brush strokes to covering parts of a canvas with chart paper and letting colour drip over, Mahanot uses techniques he was never taught.”
A red carpet Welcome

A visit from Shorya Mahanot and a “Hollywood – style” red carpet event.
Born to Paint

“I met him when he was 6, but he began painting at 4,” Holtzman says of Mahanot, who lives in India.
A privileged one

one of the lucky few to have been allotted a privileged space, the hotel’s Chambers Terrace which hosted Obama’s speech in Mumbai and the World Cup celebrations, for his show in the city.

“The Spirit of the Indian Child”
An Old Soul

“…There’s definitely an old soul in a child’s body.”
Much like Pollock

“…he gravitated towards abstract works, very much like Jackson Pollock, who incidentally happens to be this young prodigy’s role model.”
An Ageless Art

“Art Has No Age”
Nuturing Art

many of the artists from The Claridge like the aforementioned Quinn, as well as fellow actor Burt Young, in addition to Becerra, Caplan, Simbari, Fazzino — of whom Holtzman has two of his 3D works, one of A.C. and another of Philly — plus, the now 10-year-old Mahanot, whom Holtzman has carried since he was 6.
Prolific Prodigy

Shorya, who is six-years-old right now, has been painting since he was a toddler
A Chronicle of colors and strokes

“Like Pollock, he creates nonfigurative expressionist paintings that steer the expressive forces of chronicle with colouration and motion.”
Child Picasso

Dubbed a “child Picasso” by the Indian media, five-year-old Shorya hit the headlines last month when India’s most famous cartoonist took him under his wing.
World’s Youngest Abstractionist

Madhya Pradesh’s Shorya Mahanot, 11, known as the “World ’s Youngest Signature Style Abstract Artist and “India’s Child Picasso” is merely 11 years old. YONOSBI20UNDER20

When five-year-old Shorya Mahanot painted one of his masterpieces on Tuesday, the 100-odd spectators experienced just that: a subliminal washing away of the everyday drabness, giving way to a colourful vibrancy. Renowned cartoonist R K Laxman, who witnessed the painting extravaganza unspool in the precincts of his residence in Pune, later blessed

an astounding painter.
Depth and Beauty

His brushwork has depth and there’s beautiful usage of colours.
The Returning Veteran

“…one of the world’s youngest abstract artists and painting prodigy. Shorya is returning to the U.S. to participate and exhibit his works at the First Annual SPECTRUM New York.”

has his own vision and view of the world.
Fascinating and Incredible

The art lovers found his art so fascinating and couldn’t believe this little boy’s work.
Making Global Marks

A six-year-old from Madhya Pradesh is making a mark in the art world, with some of his abstract canvases recently displayed in New York.
Mastery over colours

Passionate about colors, Shorya has mastery over their use, and his technique is again comparable to that of Pollock’s famous ‘drip painting.’
Getting covered World Over

The Guardian, London gave a full-page coverage on World News and wrote “India’s child Picasso” puts on his goggles and takes aim at the canvas 3rd, July 2012.
Starting Young

Shorya Mahanot was commissioned to produce his first solo exhibition at Mumbai’s Taj Mahal Palace Hotel when he was 4-years-old.
Finding his own role models

he gravitated towards abstract works, very much like Jackson Pollock, who incidentally happens to be this young prodigy’s role model.
A Signatured Style

A signature style in all his paintings.
Child Picasso

“The Claridge has swapped its casino for some culture…more than 50 artists who hail from around the world, and right in Atlantic City…from abstract expressionist art from an 8-year-old boy named Shorya Mahanot…”

When asked about Pollock in an interview, Shorya replied, “He also makes paintings like me.”

“The painting of this 10 year are sold at the price of 45,000 dollars and has been placed alongside the legendary artists like Anthony Quinn, Burt Young, John Lennon etc.”
Astonishing Command

Shorya Mahanot continues to astonish people’s minds world over with his masterful expressionist paintings.

“Confident, Inspired Artist…”
Wonder Kid

My father-in-law loved the way Shorya painted today. As soon as he saw him paint, he expressed wonder at Shorya’s art. He also appreciated the colour concepts that the child used in his paintings and the way he used just one brush to create a colourful masterpiece before so many spectators,” said Usha.
Following in the footsteps

“….an astounding painter, who is usually compared to the legendary artist, Jackson Pollock, because of the similarity in their style of works.”
Rich and Masterful

The six-year-old artist brings his works and canvases to life through rich and masterful color use while employing a technique that can be compared to Jackson Pollock’s “drip painting” or “action painting.”

Charming, adorable, curious, playful.
Making a Splash

“The level of energy is wonderful. He is so little but he does such a great job. He is nothing less than a pro,” says Laxman. “I like the way he mixes the colours on the brush before splashing it on the canvas, very nice technique,” he adds.

our own eight-year-old Jackson Pollock-ish abstract painter.

In an interview with the Huffington Post, Mahanot explained he was inspired after watching his older sisters paint, though while they worked with figurative images, he veered toward abstraction.
Spellbinding Artist

Shorya had painted with the carefree abandonment that only children can boast of, while the swarm of journalists and artists in the milieu had stood spellbound.
Creating a Spectacle

When five-year-old Shorya Mahanot painted one of his masterpieces on Tuesday, the 100-odd spectators experienced just that: a subliminal washing away of the everyday drabness, giving way to a colourful vibrancy.
Magnificent Mind

Like the magnificent minds and eager, tiny safekeeping of picture artistes before him, Mahanot didn’t permit his teen geezerhood preclude him from expressing himself in the brightest of colors.
Conductor of his own opera

Like a surgeon requesting a scalpel mid-operation, he demanded the biggest paintbrush be passed to him, and swept the bristles in wide strokes over the canvas. Each movement appeared deliberate but exaggerated as if his painting were an unruly orchestra under his conduction.
Best of ArtExpo 2013

He not only exhibited some of his works at Artexpo, some were also selected for the ‘Best of Artexpo 2013’ exhibition.

Painters always mesmerize but this Picasso at the age of 7 can paint better than Picasso. You see his paintings and you wonder where it came from?
Signature Style

“…Only five and already he has a signature style..”
The International Specialist

“Known as a young Jackson Pollock, he specializes in abstract art and his work has already earned him international acclaim.”
On the Shoulders of Giants

RK Laxman, 90, welcomed the budding artist into his home in Pune, Maharashtra. He was so impressed, his father, Aditya Singh says, that he suggested the pair put on a joint exhibition in Mumbai next month.
At Who’s Who’s Place

…have got the same stage where US President Barrack Obama had delivered his speech during his visit to India.
The Flair

“The flair with which he paints can outdo any renowned painter or artist.”
Surprising the World

Shorya Mahanot took the world by surprise with his impressive abstract painting.
Up on the global arena

places him on this world arena of higher appreciation.
Multilayered, Inspired

His art is multilayered, inspired from nature
Art Prodigy

Art prodigy, confident, inspired, artist.
Hanging out with Celebrities

“…he’s nine-years-old, and is going to teach Ranveer Singh and Sourav Ganguly how to paint.”
A storyteller

“This 10-year-old boy can say a story without using a single word.”

Neemuch may soon be famed as the birthplace and workplace of India’s greatest contemporary artist; a south Asian a place as synonymous with 21st-century abstraction as New York is for pop art.
Authentic and Emotional

Abstract and emotional. Colorful and cathartic. And just plain beautiful.
A Wunderkind

“Shorya Mahanot is one perfect living example of what Picasso remarked about children. A ‘wunderkind…”
internationally acclaimed

internationally acclaimed
Making Waves Globally

“…Known for his mind-boggling abstract paintings, the little one is making waves on many art platforms ”
Beaming Talent

Sincere appreciation for his talent beamed from Laxman as he patted the boy’s head with his experienced hands that now quiver due to old age.
Brilliant, Expressive

Like the brilliant minds and eager, tiny hands of miniature artistes before him, Mahanot didn’t let his young age prevent him from expressing himself in the brightest of colors.
Waah Taj!

When he was four years old,he had an exhibition at the the Taj Hotel in Mumbai along with a painting demonstration.
The Global Indian Artist

Shorya is a 6-year-old boy and one of the world’s youngest abstract artists. His favorite painter is Jackson Pollock, and he works with acrylics, too. Shorya has been recognized and featured in international media throughout Asia, England, Europe and the U.S.
Signature Style

Only five and already he has a signature style.
Naturally Curious

naturally curious

“…those who watched him paint were left speechless.”
The brightest of all

Like the brilliant minds and eager, tiny hands of miniature artistes before him, Mahanot didn’t let his young age prevent him from expressing himself in the brightest of colors.
Bold Brush Strokes

“From bold brush strokes to covering parts of a canvas with chart paper and letting colour drip over, Mahanot uses techniques he was never taught.”
A recognized face of Abstract Art

Shorya has been recognized and featured in international media throughout Asia, England, Europe and the U.S.
Resembling Masters

Many cited his painting to resemble famous artists like the American Jackson Pollock and some others even called him an Indian Picasso.
Art Before Talk

“…some of the child art prodigies from across the world who learnt to art before talk.”
Dreams from a small town

Living in Neemuch, a small town in the middle of India, Mahanot isn’t exactly in the center of the art world, but that doesn’t have any effect on his dreams.

Shorya has been winning laurels from the age of three years because of his unique painting style.
Globally Appreciated

His view is compared in similarity with Sir John Pollock which places him on this world arena of higher appreciation.
Hitting Headlines

Dubbed a “child Picasso” by the Indian media, five-year-old Shorya hit the headlines last month when India’s most famous cartoonist took him under his wing.
Defining Persona

He’s no different from a regular, naughty four-year-old kid. But one look at his canvases and you know that there’s more to the persona of Shorya Mahanot, from Madhya Pradesh. One of the youngest artists in India to do abstract art.
Reveling amongst the greats

a featured artist at the Holtzman Gallery in New Jersey, USA, his art displayed alongside musician John Lennon and actor Anthony Quinn.
Presenting before the world

among one of the few child artists in the world who have had their works exhibited.
Motivates you

strong enough motivator.

“…even amazed the great Indian cartoonist R K Laxman who accepted Mahanot as his disciple.”
Engrossed in Colors

“Calm, composed and completely unperturbed by the attention…engrossed in colours and textures in front of him.”
Child Picasso

witnessing a prodigy at work.
Life with color and motion

Jackson Pollock devotees, meet Shorya Mahanot . Like Pollock, he creates abstract expressionist paintings that channel the expressive forces of life with color and motion.
Startling and Special

His Art streak was appreciated by the ones who had a glance at them found it absolutely startling, unique and special.
Drawing Global Attention

At the age of four, Shorya drew the attention of the international art world with his first solo exhibition — at the Taj Mahal Palace. Indian media soon dubbed him “child Picasso”.
Conversing with Colours

A lover of nature, he was all of 4 when he first made a painting. Colours speak to him, and no-one but he knows about his conversations with them.
Big Canvas

At 10 going on 11, Shorya has created over 100 works in acrylic, some canvases bigger than his tiny frame.
Pollock Reborn

Artist Prodigy Shorya Mahanot May Just Be A Six-Year-Old Jackson Pollock.
Speaks for itself

His abstract expressionist paintings speak for themselves.

“… Shorya is God-gifted…”
Expressive Force of Nature

“Shorya Mahanot a 7- year-old creates abstract expressionist paintings that group the expressive forces of nature with color and life.”
Culture for Everyone

The Claridge has swapped its casino for some culture.
Beautiful and Comparable

His beautiful abstract works have been compared to those of Jackson Pollock
Shades of Pollocks

“…His family had never seen art like this before — there were shades of Jackson Pollock…”
The Youngest one

One of the youngest artists in India to do abstract art.

“By the age 4 he had made 100 acrylic paintings…”

People are dumbfounded at the gallery when they walk in.
People are Talking

There’s already been a lot of activity in and out, and a lot of people are talking about the show already,” Holtzman remarks.
A Sharp Version

This piece of art is like a sharp version of Kandinsky meets Pollock. And best of all, it was made by a four-year-old.
In Color and in Motion

Like Pollock, he creates abstract expressionist paintings that channel the expressive forces of life with color and motion.
Unlike Pollock, however, Mahanot is six years old.
The tender artist

Being compared to the likes of Picasso and Pollock at the tender age of four, Shorya Mahanot from Madhya Pradesh is the youngest abstract artist in Asia.
Specially Curated

his works were included in a special curated exhibition at the Ward-Nasse Gallery in New York, “Best of Artexpo 2013,” and today his works remain on display in its permanent gallery.
Fearless Art

Shorya’s canvas cannot limit him, his art is a part of something larger and it is only his state of fearlessness, limitlessness that adds a meaning to his work. It is all about layers and the freedom with which this prodigy explores this technique.

Child prodigy Shorya Mahanot from Neemuch in Madhya Pradesh receives blessings from the legendary cartoonist RK Laxman
Art before Talk

Shorya’s idol was Jackson Pollock, which is pretty interesting because he was only 4 when he started.”
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